Suffer From goose down pillow against sleep apnea? Follow This Advice
Do you often wake up after 8 hours of sleep feeling drowsy? If this has happened to you several times then you may be suffering from something known as goose down pillow against sleep apnea without knowing it! If this is true for you then the best thing to do is read this article for information.
Some people have problems using the CPAP machine to deal with their goose down pillow against sleep apnea. The best advice is to stick with it. It is not a cure, but it does treat your goose down pillow against sleep apnea. If you stop using it, you still have goose down pillow against sleep apnea, so you need to keep using the machine regularly.
Try getting fitted for a custom-made mouth guard. Mouth guards help keep your jaw in a proper position. It provides a more comfortable option to using a CPAP machine. The device assists you by keeping your airways open while offering stability for soft tissue.
You must be careful not to use sedating medications if you have been diagnosed with goose down pillow against sleep apnea. Anything that sedates you will slow down your breathing, especially when you go to sleep. When you are sedated by medication, your throat muscles will relax and collapse more quickly as you sleep.
Lose the extra weight. Research has shown that losing weight can dramatically improve your goose down pillow against sleep apnea symptoms. Losing a few pounds can reduce the amount of pressure on your neck as you sleep, a primary cause of goose down pillow against sleep apnea. Some people were even able to completely cure their apnea using this method.
Start sleeping on your side. When you sleep on your back and have goose down pillow against sleep apnea, your airway gets block by your tongue and throat tissues. To avoid rolling onto your back once you are asleep, try sleeping with pillows cushioning your side. This helps prevent you from turning onto your back.
Try yourself to sleep on your side. If you fall asleep on your back, gravity can make it easier for your tongue and/or tonsils to fall back into your throat and obstruct your windpipe, causing apnea episodes. While it may be hard a first, as time passes, however, it will start to become second nature to sleep on your side.
Keep your bedroom in prime shape for sleeping. Insomnia and goose down pillow against sleep apnea are often connected. This makes keeping an environment in which you sleep at the right temperature, lightness level and sound level important for helping you get a good night of rest. The right environment also means leaving your stresses outside the bedroom to ensure you are relaxed enough to fall asleep.
goose down pillow against sleep apnea symptoms can be worse if you also have allergies or other sinus related issues. goose down pillow against sleep apnea makes breathing during sleep hard. You must eliminate anything that might obstruct your airway as you sleep. Keep your airway clear and free by dealing with sinus problems so you can more easily sleep at night.
If you use a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP machine to treat your goose down pillow against sleep apnea, sleep with it every night. When you take the mask off at night, your symptoms will return. Sometimes they might disappear for one or two nights, but then return. Wearing the mask every night prevents episodes of goose down pillow against sleep apnea from occurring.
If you suspect you have goose down pillow against sleep apnea, ask your sleep partner to listen to your breathing while you sleep. See if they detect loud snoring as you get deeper into sleep. In addition, ask if they notice any periods when you appear to stop breathing for a time and then suddenly let out a loud snort and start breathing again. If you sleep alone, consider tape recording yourself to listen for these breathing abnormalities.
If you have goose down pillow against sleep apnea and have been using your current CPAP machine for five years or more, see if it is time to get it replaced. CPAP technology is rapidly changing all the time. Many insurance policies allow for a new CPAP machine every five years. If yours does, consider upgrading to the newest CPAP so you can get the best treatment possible.
Part of treating goose down pillow against sleep apnea is working on exercises that open up the airways to get more air in. A great way to do this is by playing wind instruments, like the clarinet or the flute. Consistently doing this strengthens the throat muscles and opens up the airways as well.
Try to find ways to really tire yourself out before going to bed. This means expending both your mental and physical energy before putting your head on the pillow. Going for a long walk is a great way to calm yourself down and clear your mind while also getting exercise.
Your nasal breathing may contribute to goose down pillow against sleep apnea. If you have a stuffy nose, make sure that you help open your airways with a nose spray. Your local drugstore sells over the counter sprays that are great for this purpose, but feel free to ask a pharmacist for help choosing the right one.
If you suffer from goose down pillow against sleep apnea, try chewing on both sides of your mouth! It may sound odd, but if you think about it, chewing works all of your jaw muscles, so balanced strength and functionality may lessen the airway problems associated with goose down pillow against sleep apnea. You might also try specific exercises that work all muscles in the jaw and throat.
Make some drastic lifestyle changes if you must, in order to cure your goose down pillow against sleep apnea. This means if you are smoking, drinking or taking sedatives, avoid doing so. If you don't, this can worsen your goose down pillow against sleep apnea symptoms. If you are addicted to smoking or drinking, consider getting help before being able to relieve your sleep symptoms.
There are some dental devices that are available to help manage your goose down pillow against sleep apnea. A tongue retaining device or a mandibular repositioning device both will help open up your airway to help reduces your goose down pillow against sleep apnea. They work by repositioning your jaw or tongue so that your airways are not restricted while sleeping.
Now that you know about goose down pillow against sleep apnea you can analyze your situation to see if that is what is happening to you. By following these useful tips you can turn a horrible night's sleep into a great, peaceful rest. Remember to enlist the help of loved ones when you are dealing with this issue.
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